Hiding Assembled Documents and Answer Files

Note: only users with the Integration Administrator user role can hide documents and answer files on a work item.

When Advance generates assembled documents and answer files on a work item, you can specify whether or not those documents and answer files are hidden.

For example, if you do not want users to access assembled documents on a specific work item, you can hide these documents.


Advance enables Integration Administrators to control the access that users have to assembled documents and answer files on work items. You can revoke users access to specific files by performing separate PATCH requests to hide documents and answer files. For example, you might want to display only the answer file in the work item details pane. This is done by performing a PATCH request using the work item ID and the document ID to hide only the assembled document. 

When you, the administrator, specify that a document or answer file is hidden, you can then view these hidden files in the work item details pane which display with an affix of (hidden). These hidden files do not display to users.

This is useful as it enables you to selectively hide documents and answer files on specific work items from users. For example, you might want to send an assembled document to iManage which requires further amendment. By hiding the document in Advance, this stops users from accessing the base assembled document.

Hiding Assembled Documents on a Work Item

If you want to specify whether the assembled documents are hidden on a work item, you must use the following PATCH request:

PATCH /Workitems/{workItemId}/Versions/active/Documents/{documentId}

You can also use the following PATCH request using a specific work item version ID:

PATCH /WorkItems/{workItemId}/{versionId}/Documents/{documentId}

The parameters for this request are:

Name Type Location Required Description
workItemId String Request URL Yes The ID of the work item.
documentId String Request URL Yes The ID of the document in your work item.
versionId String Request URL No The ID of the work item version. This parameter is only required when updating a specific work item version. 

For more information, see the full Advance API documentation.

If you want to hide assembled documents from users, you must set isHidden to true in the request body.

    "isHidden": true

Hiding Answer Files on a Work Item

If you want to specify whether the answer files are hidden on a work item, you must use the following PATCH request:

PATCH /Workitems/{workItemId}/AnswerFile

The parameters for this request are:

Name Type Location Required Description
workItemId String Request URL Yes The ID of the work item.

For more information, see the full Advance API documentation.

If you want to hide answer files from users, you must set isHidden to true in the request body.

    "isHidden": true

Name Type Location Required Description
isHidden Boolean Request body Yes Whether or not your document is hidden from users.

Common Reference Topics

Among others, the following reference topics may relate to this conceptual area: